Speed Update

For a little while this summer, we attempted to fit as much life as possible into a very short amount of time. At the end of my last post I was, very pregnant, to say the least. Needless to say I was tired of being pregnant and ready to have the baby. So I began to think of all the things they say you should do to induce labor: eat spicy food, bounce on a exercise ball, do a lot of walking. And finally, in one last (unsuccessful) effort, we decided to try an auto collision...

Alright, clearly we didn't intend to have an accident, and we certainly didn't rear end ourselves. But I thought it would make for a good punch line, and I thought it would be better to laugh in this situation seeing as how it was only one incident in a string of bad luck.
Even though our car took an entire month to be fixed, the accident wasn't that serious, and everyone felt pretty ok afterward. I did spend that night in the hospital to be monitored, seeing as how I was 9 month.
Only 9 days later we were back at the hospital, but this trip was planned. And it was time for us to meet our new little lady.
June 10th, 2010
 Reagan Jolene Gulbranson
A proud big brother
Luke is 2 now, and very independent.

Here is our first family holiday as a family of 4... The 4th of July. The city of Warner Robins always holds an outdoor concert with fireworks after. This is our third year attending, and it was entertaining as always. One of the better fireworks displays I've ever seen... And I've seen a lot.

(Rabbit trail: The summer I was 18 we made it our goal to see as many fireworks displays as possible. I must have seen at least 10 that summer)

Here it is... All official! He's 2

He was not sure how to go about eating the birthday cake without a fork, so he went for the most direct method... Face to cake.
2 years to the exact minute he was born... it's the clock on my phone... I didn't realize that we had so few time telling devices that weren't attached to appliances...
He even sleeps in a big boy bed!
Georgia Aquarium
Alright, time for some shameless self promotion. Because if I can't do it here, where can I?
I am in the process of trying to start my own business.
Here are some samples of my work.

Is it still called a babymoon if you take your two year old with you?

I have a feeling that it's not...
Josh was sent TDY to Duke Field in Florida, near Destin. Luke and I were able to go with him for a little vacation.
Like father, like son.

There was a really fantastic park in Niceville, FL... I would drive long distances to go to a park like this... if there was one anywhere near here. There must have been at least 8 diffrent play sets, all well shaded, and with plenty of places for the adults to sit. Not to mention a totally free spray park, which Luke was mostly afraid of. But I know he would get used to it if we were able to go there again.
What would be better on a hot summer day then being able to spend the afternoon splashing in the sun.
These next three pictures are a series, which show how Luke felt about getting sprayed... We would lead him into the path of the water and then walk away... Once he realized he was alone and getting wet he would run to find us...
We also got to spend some time in the ocean... He didn't really like the water there either, but it was easier for me to understand here, seeing as how the waves could knock him over.The only other excitiment we've really had around here was strawberry picking.

New Phone

And you know I'm excited about... You all know that I complained about it enough.
Here is it, the new Palm Pre Plus.I haven't taken too many pictures with it yet, but here is an examples what what my future blog post pictures will probably look like. I think it is a big improvement. And just in time... Only 8 weeks left until baby June Bug is due.Josh got a new toy as well. This is Josh's new phone, the Motorold Droid... Also very nice...But not as pretty as mine...

Google may not recognize it as an offical holiday...

...unlike Dr Norman Rockwell's birthday or the Olympics...

But in our house it is a day to be celebrated.
We started a little early, the day before. On Saturday we decided to dye and decorate the eggs.

Since the colors were non-washable, we stripped the children down and limited their access to the dye.

But they seemed to enjoy the process none the less.

One of Luke's favorite new things is stickers. He will take every sticker off a sheet and put it on himself, if he is allowed.

The stickers where for decorating the eggs, but we had quite a few left over... They were not wasted...

Sunday morning, the Easter Bunny had left Luke a wonderful basket of goodies. He got a sand bucket and shovel, elmo book, more stickers, chocolate bunny, egg scouper, fruit snacks, colored pencils, and sidewalk chalk.

The sidewalk chalk was put to use almost right away.

After church we had a barbeque and hid the eggs for the hunt.

It didn't take long for the kids to figure out the goal.

Here is Austin on his search.

And Isabelle finding the very last egg.

They all had a good time, even though it was very hot and sunny outside.

Happy Easter!!